Anarcocapitalismo y por que es lo que mejor puedes hacer para cambiar tu vida.

Han pasado muchas cosas desde mi último post, y puedo decir que soy una persona completamente diferente. Me he dedicado mas a observar la vida y cambiar la forma de verse. Una de las cosas que mas han llamado mi atención es la política o podiamos decir antí-politica.

Toda mi vida me he considerado apolitico. Pero explorando mas y mas de las cosas que me he relacionado he descubierto un movimiento que se acerca a lo que he considerado como algo ironicamente politico que se acerca a mi sentimiento apolitico. Y ese es el anarcho capitalismo y como creo que es algo que se debe promover en latinoamerica para que pueda salir del hoyo en el que se encuentra.

Como diría la canción de mi grupo favorito Wu-Tang Clan, en su clásico C.R.E.A.M. Inspectah Deck da una de las lineas que se relacionan mas con mi actitud.

But shorty’s runnin’ wild, smokin’ sess, drinkin’ beer
And ain’t tryin’ to hear what I’m kickin’ in his ear

La traducción:

Pero los chicos siguen corriendo a lo loco, fumando y bebiendo
I siguen ignorando lo que les vivo diciendo

Y bueno, lo que me he dado cuenta es que mucha de la academia y discurso mediatico ha estado muy radicalizado hacia la izquierda con retoricas y cuentos que simplemente no son verdad o los datos son demasiado abiertos a la interpretación, eso aunado a creencias generacionales que simplemente no funcionan.

La mayoría de latinoamerica vive en sociedades capitalistas, y poco se hace para educar a la gente a ser capitalista. Consumista si, pero capitalista y como crear medios de producción es casí escondido de forma voluntaria. Mientras que el cuento de una oligarquía sea politicos o ultra ricos o de plano, narcotraficantes. Se vuelven los rockstar de este medio el cual es bastante exagerado y mitificado al punto de que lo hace ver inalcanzable. A esto se le cubre con el cuento de la falta de igualdad y tenemos una receta de fracazo.

Y aquí es donde entra el anarcocapitalismo. Para empezar, una de las grandes modificaciones es que rompe el mito del estado. Clasifica todos esas creencias y las mete en una bolsa llamada Estadismo y ahi se reunen todos esos sentimientos de auto-proclamación de derechos y forma de como se ve el mismo.

Lo segundo es que te pone la responsabilidad a ti como único responsable de todo lo que puedas considerar bueno y malo en tu vida, economica, calidad de vida, social y futura. Esta auto-sentido de responsabilidad es lo que hace que puedas redefinir y reconstruir mucho de los mitos populares. Empezando por los laboristas, y meritocracia y tributarias. Re-defines el rol del estado en tu vida como un medio controlador y te forza a buscar tu propia supervivencia y prosperidad.

Aquí es donde nace una nueva actitud ante la vida, pasas de esperar algo a decifrar algo. A empezar a ver medios por el cual puedes cortar y protegerte economicamente del estado quien en su parte incluye la sociedad, y al buscar esta independencia financiara te hace mas eficiente y un capitalista mas hábil.

Y que tiene que ver esto con Latinoamerica?

La región lastimosamente vive en una fuerte cultura estatista donde las personas buscan que el estado sea el responsable de la calidad de su vida. Y esto hace que solo se refuerze el estado y se creen estructuras mas y mas opresivas con historias que manipulación masivas que son dificiles para un estadista de reconocer.

Y es aquí donde el movimiento libertario tiene la obligación de poder facilitar los ideales del libertarismo en la sociedad y pueda empezar a ver a mas personas volverse eficientemente capitalistas, dueños de su propio destino en vez de esperar que alguien mas los avale, les permita o las cosas se resuelvan solas como ha pasado por muchas decadas ya.

Una de las cosas que en el grupo capitalistas se ha reconocido desde el mundo tecnológico es la creación de Bitcoin como una forma automata, y no humana de proveer confianza y valor. Cosas que pueden implementar como autoridad sin necesidad de una autoridad humana como la del gobierno. En una estructura capitalista, esta funcionaría de forma mas eficiente ya que esta delegación de dinero se hace sin corrupción ya que las maquinas en vez de los humanos son los que juegan parte y las matematicas son mas exactas que la subjetividad humana o los sospechosos tarifas de manejo de la misma como se ha visto en paises alrededor del mundo.

Al ser programdor es casi lógico que confiaria mucho mas en el código que en el ‘honor’ de un humano. Por el simple hecho que lo he comprobao infinidad de veces al gestionar mi vida alrededor de una tecnologia eficiente y ver como la contraparte humana esta tan llena de defectos que lo vuelve infinitamente mas deficiente.

Crypto Revolution

This year has been great so far for Bitcoin, our group Bitcuners have kept on with the DASH proposal and got it succesfully renewed for another 3 months. The price of DASH went sky high and our podcast has been picking up more viewers.

I hope my writting has been better lately because now I am an editor of a popular Bitcoin news site. Doing work for the news site has eat a lot of my blogging time, however, the reward of having such a great platform on a topic I love, has got me so happy.

Our cryptocurrency group has grown well beyond it’s infrastructure (space) and we should be looking for a larger platform. We have been pushing our group on social networks such as FB and Youtube and we would be able to gain more viewers.

Bitcuners at Starbucks in Cancun MX

Hope we can keep growing into events and accesibility for everyone in the market. Here are some videos that we were able to shoot during the meetup, people enjoying their time and also interacting and learning.

Few minutes to 2016 a quick talk about Bitcoin

So before 2016 arrives, I want to share the conference I did just a couple of days back in my hometown. The talk was on Bitcoin and the Blockchain. The talk was organized quickly and I was a bit nervous the people or the venue wouldn’t be optimal for the talk. In the end things did went through but not exactly perfect.

I decided to create some new slides for my presentation. However, many images where just not done. This made it even more difficult as the time of my conference approached. I was nervous and I really wanted to have enough information without leaving it out without much content on it.

In the end I decided to settle and thought it was good enough and most people will ‘get’ the images as well as the content. Things seemed to be set, however upon arrival, I started experiencing issues with the projector. My screen didn’t come in, and after many tries I decided to give up and end up giving the talk with no slides.

Although scary I thought I knew enough on the topic to make sense without getting trap into a corner. This also gave me more focus on what I said and the way I say it. Which end up being a blessing in the sky. The mental track of the topics I was mentioning were awesome and in the end I got to cover a lot of ground with so little time. I’ll share some of the pictures taken during the talk and the video itself of the talk.

During the conference about Bitcoin and the blockchain


More VC talk on Bitcoin at LA BitConf 2015

This is my second post on LaBitconf specially about the issues that were handle on the Mexican Startup scene. The panel was presented by the CEO of Bitso, Marcus Dantus a venture capital rep from Mexico Startup and the CEO of MexBT.

So far the points were around the issue of comparing the startup scene in Mexico vs the one in the United States. Also about the way that startups and VCs get together.

Other subtopics were also discussed on the area of exit strategies in Mexico vs the US, why they don’t work as well here in Mexico. The key points had to do with the ecosystems of mergers and acquisitions both legally and just practical in too complicated in Mexico to let it flourish. The national stock exchange also lacks the dynamism of the one found in the United States, so the growth is just not there.

On the topic of Bitcoin, and Blockchain, there were also a certain competition about if blockchain is better or is Bitcoin still relevant.

The failure of a flat enterprises in Mexico is also another thing that hurts the economic environment. The concentration of power is usually what makes the value also stagger and makes it hard for startups to grow, fail and be reborn. Traditional thinking on management and employees don’t ‘get’ the way to get motivated.

The management ideas have slowly been reaching the Mexican shore but still something that is usually unheard off mainly because of the legal complexities and cultural perception of things.

On the QA there was some key questions about the lack of diverified capitals to invest in the country. However the way to get capital in the US is easier than before and that should be KEY in order to develop and promote your startup.

So key points and conclusions about this talk are simple:

  1. Go back to think “Internet first, country second“. Make business that scale, and make businesses that act global.
  2. Bitcoin is new and developing, opportunities on them are 100x than any other space on technology at the moment, profit from it.
  3. Ideas are cheap, lets make more ide-a-thon until we have a framework to make these type of ideas.
  4. Work on increase the transparency on the industry, fuck up nights are good, lets make more blogs, documentaries, and such

Now, the questions to are, what do we have to do to enable this. Lets research on VCs according to our ideas, not our area codes. Do not search for VCs in Mexico, search for VCs in Bitcoin/Blockchain.
Let’s research on their funded companies, lets reach out to them on Linkedin, social networks, etc. I am sure they could send you bits and pieces of what you need.
Lests work on presenting our ideas, publish a blogpost, videos, and such on it. Let’s do potcast interviews on podcast that specialize in that.
Put money where your mouth is, if you are already making money (from a job or your startup is running). Lets put some money on funding our presentation, use job marketplaces and find some quality designer, animator, copyrighter, to have this produced.
Finally I would say to build a first company structure, although this might vary if are already on it. But document your processes so you are able to show it off if needed.
Let’s escape Mexico, really, start thinking on issuing assets on the blockchain, make your idea transend and live off the environment you are trying to push. The more attractive is to the internet, the more will the internet invest in your idea.

Structure ideas on the blockchain

This week I went to LaBitConf in Mexico City, we got the opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world doing things that matter in the Bitcoin space. And then there were the mexicans that got their way into the conference. Not to say that there aren’t smart people, but sometimes I feel that we just don’t know what are supposed to be doing.

One of those is how are supposed to think, during my talk with many of them I couldn’t shake away from my head the many people I talk at the GNU/Linux conferences in Mexico.

The biggest difference I can tell is the age, but with the age also a vision that is somewhat shortsighted. Wanting to do things local are the kind of things that well, wrap around our thought process and keep revolving over this concept.

Being native to the cryptoworld my hope was of finding people eager to help this world. But what I found is again the same pattern, the itch they want to scratch being too narrow for the world. Too local, too shortsighted.

So I want to build a framework on how to formulate Ideas. Ideas that can form  global projects and can gain traction. First step is to learn that we are not citizens, we are internet entities, dealing with an internet asset. We need to use these assets as a platform to transform our digital ecosystem. Code is our tools to change the ecosystem and also the way we can make a difference in the world.

There is a tendency to make a difference in the physical world but I think that we first need to explore our own digital world. After all, nobody drop an actual bitcoin on our head. We learned about it through a digital system or service, and for that we can control it and use it. The physical world is an effect, almost side effect of what is happening on the digital one.

Once we are aware of our digital existance then we will be able to move forward with our ideas. Solving issues, building on platforms, creating services and making data and value move way faster.

We need to be aware that ‘flags’ are holding us back more than giving us identity. A quote that I always get reminded of is: “On the web we are all dogs” Meaning basically, that it really doesn’t matter, where we are from and it shouldn’t matter. Let’s move on and make an application for the internet and by the internet.

A good example is our own Satoshi Nakamoto. Does he matter if he is Japanese? That he is a he, or a they? Was his vision to help the people from Japan, the people from his hometown, to pitch to the local investor? Should we be more like satoshi and less like the ‘digital crusader that just learned a new trick‘?

Why Bitcoin?

Earlier today I gave a talk about Why Bitcoin? on a local university. I have been giving a talk about bitcoin as part of this new community called Bitcuners. The community is doing some talks on local colleges with the intention of generating a buzz on the local community and interest to get people to use the Cryptocurrency and be able to exchange goods and services.

This is a snippet of my talk: