The LeBron Show


LeBron has been putting great numbers and an amazing season. Not only a Clean game with a streak of 0 fouls but also an effective one, making history becoming the first player to score more than 20pt and more than 60% efficiency.

Tonight th LeBron game will come to Oklahoma City face his 2012 finals opponent — Kevin Durant.

Expectation is miles high, and we’ll see how we come into the All Star Break.


The mutant monster gf

So today was another one of those  days were my mind come up with another crazy story. This time it was a crazy girlfriend, fat and with tentacles, that eventually tuns to be a mutant and killed me.

Actually she kinda killed me many times but those were the preparation for the real killing, it not just kill me but also my mother, and then I was scheming a plan to avoid it.

Since I knew this will happened after the movies, I was trying my best to deterr the whole chain of events to unrable and somehow ‘a peace’ the monster.

 So eventually my ex help me distract her, and as she was being distracted, i went to meet her. Eventually I end up leaving with her, and sneaking out to talk.

That’s when I woke up, so not sure what ever happened to the monster but was blury enough to sneak into another crazy dream. Now in perspective I wonder what does it mean, monster and all this females personas around me.