Talking about the Universe

Is nice when u have people that talk like nobody else. Those unique people with original ideas that connect you with something else than the routine. Whenever is deep spiritual things, or metaphysics is just the awareness of other things than the terrenial pre-disposed things that surround us.

Is the things that are out there, and that makes you get out of what you value day by day and makes you look up to the infinite. Something bigger than anything that you have known to each point. Doesn’t have to be emotional, doesn’t have to be human or human-like, things can be as cold as a rock, or a chemical that surround you.

Only the idea of contemplating a plane that is somewhat connected into a super organismo that slowly evolves into something that nobody you know will ever guess.

Being awaken, is something that is to some terrifying, to some amazing. The fear of letting go of anything that they consider meaningful in life and trading it for something that they are not sure at all. This is the way I think at the moment when I talk with my friend about the universe. Then there is the other thing which is conciousness.

What is this conciousness and studying the 7 levels, although some talk about 9 levels and others talk about just 4 levels. Some of these seems to overlap a bit, and at this point it doesnt really matter about the specifics, but just be aware of the shades of conciousness and which ones we are just not paying attention.

A quote from my friend’s book I love what she says about it.

The wave of pure consciousness takes place right after the first wave of pure
intent. The being now starts imagining themselves into existence in any and
all possible scenarios. This is where all the higher dimensions reside, where beings
manifest as infinite parallel expressions of pure awareness. This consciousness is in
constant union with the heart (the core essence). Consciousness can of course only
expand within the parameters of the original creative intent, within the boundaries of
natural law.

Sometimes is hard to get to learn about all this, and is relatively easy to dismiss as most of the pressure of dealing with the more mundane realities of self push us away from exploring this aspects of our life that we dont recognize as our own.

Getting back with the Django Logic

These past weeks I have gone back to my Django resources to try to learn the last stages of the Django modules, business logic, etc.

I most say that I have actually skip most of the documentation and gone into more trusty tutorials that do one task, and learn from it.

One of the tutorials I found was for the CRUD system, something basic enough to grasp it easily. However, even then it wasn’t as easy as I thought.

The writer develop an internal debate between a Class based view, and a Function based views. As you know, Views is where the business logic of the applications are. So even if this learning was good and simple, I might need to multiply it by 2. Not that is necesarily bad, but still, wish it was simple.

I went to a DjangoCon videoset on youtube. One of those was about teaching Django at University, and there was a very interesting explanation on how Django sometimes is unecesarily complicated. Also some recomendations like the Django Girls group, and a book called Two Scoops of Django, something that I already had on my resources.

This gave me some idea into their philosophy. Hearing someone recognizing that the documentation is not always the best way for learners to understand whats going on. Building on top of an understandment is something that is helpful for learners build their best interpretations.

Telling a n00b to study this documentation with everything you will ever needed inside doesnt mean he would actually go through it all. On other words, most people will rather create a fix for their inmediate need.

At the moment some of these needs are:
– Creating a cookbook
– Creating mentoring mechanisms
– Generating 50 shot view of whats going on

Injury ghost and Cavs playoff matchups

So seems this year the tables are turned and injuries have gone to the west coast. Wtih Steph Curry, Griffin, and Chris Paul are both with injuries moving forward. Not to mention injury warning on San antonio with Albridge. Now we see that the powerful west could get some humble pie as they reach the finals.

While this time around Cavs are looking not only healthy but recovering. Mo Williams is back on the active list, and even if there are some bumps on LeBron’s mild ankle twist, he will have a good week to recover. At the same time Kirey looks more than healthy and Love seems to be pretty active.

The rest of the East seems healthy enough but to be honest not many people are optimistic on other team than the Cavs making the finals. I think that they will reach the finals in record time and will be fully rested.

Keving Love is finally posting.
Keving Love is finally posting.

So the way Cavs are reaching the finals is with a lot of posting, with Love finally down the block and LeBron actually posting up from the 3pt line makes the whole game evolve more to an East coast style of play. We’ll see if this is the right strategy for teams like Hawks and Raptors, given that the Playoff goes with no serious upsets. But even Heat with the powerful frontline with Hassan and Amare, however if Bosh is back, there might be an real concern.

FLISOL 2016 at PMC

Yesterday was our fith go at doing a local installfest, where we got the chance to educate the community about free and open source software. Showing aplications such as Blender, Krita, Inkscape, Apache OpenOffice, OpenShot, Audacity and more.

The way such software is developed and how can people participate in the community and why is good to do this. Not just getting the chance to help people, also recieving a lot of help.

Using social web you can also get formal courses in Youtube and social help on Facebook. The event was full of people from different backgrounds, entrepreneurs, high school students, jr high school etc.
